533 Hemlock Ave. The asking price is $12,000
Result below from York County GIS mapping web pages and the City of Rock Hill web pages
MF-15 - Multi-Family-15
The MF-15 district is established and intended to encourage a wide range of
medium to high density housing types, especially multiple family development,
even though single-family detached, single-family attached, townhouses, and two-
to four-family dwellings are also allowed to meet the diverse housing needs of
City residents. Neighborhood commercial and complementary uses customarily found
in residential zone districts, such as schools, community facilities, religious
institutions, and parks and playgrounds are encouraged. The minimum lot area for
single-family detached dwellings is five thousand (5,000) square feet. The
maximum residential density allowed is fifteen (15) dwelling units per acre.
Buildings including street-level non-residential uses may include residential
units at a density of up to twenty (20) units per acre